What time do you get up?


Gold Member
Most mornings about 6 to 6:30, this morning I was up at 4:50. I am so looking forward to retirement so I can have a lay in everyday...
7am, walk dogs, scoff breakfast, run out the door sometimes with mug of tea in hand!

For a reason we shall call holiday madness, I'm up now! SHOULD BE ASLEEP TILL 10!! :jumpon:
5 most mornings. Shower sh*t and shave. On the 5.59 train and in the office at about 6.40
7am for me, in work for 8:30(ish). F*ck getting up at 5am every day Gam! Some days when I've got a long drive to site or a flight to catch for work I get up at stupid times, but I try to avoid it as much as possible. I need my sleep :smiley:
alarm at 7am

snooze to 7.20

pretty much fall down the stairs to my breakfast and cup of tea made for me (WIN)

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I get up about 8:10am. Shower, shake, commute. In work for 9am.

Prior to moving house a week ago, I used to have to get up at 8am. Man that was tough.
depends on what job i'm on, we have start times from 4am till 10 pm and anywhere in between.
06.15, run, porridge, shower, 07.31 train, work for 08.00. Anything past 08.00 on the the weekend is a lye-in, I just cant stop in bed......... saying that I love a siesta in the afternoon on the weekend, that may be an age thing!
Alarm 7. Snooze until 7:40. Leave for work at about 8:05, at work for about 8:30.