Diffuser Removal?

Anybody able to help me? I'm wanting to remove my diffuser. Evans Halshaw has put my plates on with some sort of butterfly rivet's and they are just going to fall into the diffuser and cause an anoying rattling noise.

its held on by 2 torx screws (tx20 or 25) and 2 13mm nuts underneath - you then have to unclip it from round the rear bumper and number plate area - basically pull until it unclips but as you do it support the diffuser if not it can bend the bumper and be harder to remove

the screws are on the rear outer corners and the nuts are to the back (towards the front of the car) of the diffuser

its not difficult to remove but be careful with the clips round the rear edge of the bumper
Thanks for the quick reply, i think i will have to try this tomorrow or maybe later on in the week. All the hassel just so i can change a plate... pfft. :smiley:
if your lucky when you drill the rivet heads off they drop on to the heat sheild and if you hit it from underneath the rivets vibrate along and drop off the end of the diffuser
Well you see i used a slightly more rough method for the front plate... I just took heavy duty snips and snipped the head off. I was scared too screw through incase i did damage!

I'll give it a go! What happens if i hit the heat shield and it doesn't fall onto the diffuser? There a way of getting them then?