Replacing Headunit

Hi all,

I picked up my Racing Blkue Clio 200 with cup chassis. I liked the car during the testdrive and knew from reviews it would be good but had no idea it would this good until I got it out on my own on a quiet and twisty B road.

Anyway, the only thing that has dissapointed me is the quality of the stereo. You will know how quiet the volume is, and when turned up to MAX at level 32 it starts to distort but still isnt particlalry loud. I think I will replace the heaunint which will allow me to make bluetooth calls also. If the sound still isnt great I may then replace the speakers.

I am thinking of getting this as it has everything I want and I am a fan of Pioneer

Some questions: which adapter do I need to make the steering controls work?

Also I have read elsewhere that some new headunits will result in loss of the built in display. Is this loss of track listings etc or will the entire display go blank and so losing the clock and outside temp also? I have also seen a suggestion that the screen may stay active with Pioneer headunits so it may still work.

Thanks all in advance,

Taken from the RS forum.

Hopefully it's not a secret. lol.gif But after many complaints about the stereo being really quiet (you can't hear it below number 9 - 10 on the scale) Renault are now able to provide a patch which effectively makes the stereo audible at the lower end of the scale. I guess the net result of this is that you're making the stereo louder.

I've tried this with my 200 next to several other 200s and the improvement is marked.

Might be worth having it done before you rip the old HU out.
I would change the speakers first, I don't think they're up to much anyway!
The display retains the temp and clock,all radio related stuff will be on the head unit.
Renault do a range of Kenwoods.
Halfords do all the leads you will need for the pioneer.