Superior spec (aircon) reporting in

Well its official, our 2 days of summer are upon us!

I just want to say i feel your pain Cup owners... oh wait i dont because i spec'd Aircon to get a reduced discount required when ordering my 200 Cup :tongueout:roud:
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It is pretty useless whichever you have. My old scooby used to get like a fridge inside, you can barely feel owt in the clio.
May need resetting my Renault then. When the charge runs low the ECU will effectively disconnect the pump, meaning that it needs to be reset using a Renault CLIP computer.
May need resetting my Renault then. When the charge runs low the ECU will effectively disconnect the pump, meaning that it needs to be reset using a Renault CLIP computer.

Thanks for that info. It's due a service so will get it sorted altogether hopefully. :smile:
i never used mine on the 197, and when i turned it on it smelled like rotting fish. 200 it goes on from time to time. Heard if you put it on for 5 mins every day it keeps it fresh.
Certainly a nice option to have :thumbsup:

I try to use mine regularly so as to keep all the seals lubricated...


Wise for sure... i dont really like a/c id rather sweat but i still use it ten minutes here & there to keep things running smoothly for when i sell it

i never used mine on the 197, and when i turned it on it smelled like rotting fish.

I get this right after i turn the a/c on after using the blowers without a/c, vice versa, it always goes after a while though

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