Black RS200

Cheers fellas! It should be shiny spent nearly 4 hours washing, claying and waxing with supernatural! Worth the effort though I think :smile:
Looks great, black would have been my choice if there was no such thing as liquid yellow haha
I was torn between this or a white 1, very happy I went with the black now looks amazing when clean but doesn't stay clean for long! :worried:
Not sure mate I'll have to look into it, I hope it's not too much work getting 1 on I like the look of the GT spoiler and not a big fan of the cup 1.
You don't need a different hatch for the GT, it's bolt/bond on. Will set you back about £250 I think, not cheap but does look fantastic
Got it from mate very impressed with it... GT spoiler next not sure about the speedlines though maybe look a bit too black like knight rider ha.
I don't think anyone can help you out with colour mate it's just down to preference but they do look stunning in all colours!... Then even better is how they feel to drive :smile:
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