Cant get my boot open

The button underneath the boot door which you use to open the boot has stopped working for some reason. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and how to get the boot open? cheers
Yip mine only works when it wants the moment it doesn't want too! Going to get a new switch and swap it over soon though
Mines booked in at Renault but was just seeing if anyone knew how to open it for now. seems to be a common fault
Both boot and keycard not working for me, its pot luck as to if it wants to open.

My boot net just got delivered also FML
Yeah, I think you press the boot button twice (quickly)...or do you hold it down?? Cant remember lol but yeah it is supposed to be able to (mine does)
Me and my brother had water ingress in our mk3s and my key card is temperamental in the cold
I was taking some parts off a breaker the other day and wanted the boot rubber.

The battery was dead so could not get the boot open, after sitting inside the boot, back seats down i managed to remove the parcel shelf, then the plastic trims around the window before partially removing the tailgate trim.

But once inside i could not get the tailgate open, there is no cable for a manual release, it's all electric.

If the parts are faulty i'd say it's a dealer job.*

*The breakers had the key and a battery pack so this was the only way to get it open.
I managed to get the boot open, theres a little release catch under a see through piece of plastic and just flicked it to the side with a screwdriver and it poped open! I had to climb inside the boot and its where the release locking mechanism is. Also is the keycard meant to pop the boot open when you press the button? because mine never has?