Carbon dipping?

I am going down the carbon route so I fancy a having my centre console dash strips etc carbon dipped, there are currently carbon wrapped but I fancy something more quality.

What's everyone's experience with carbon dipping is it the same as real carbon?
It's nothing like the real thing.

Dipping, of any sort, is literally that... Dipping the parts into a liquid so that they take on the pattern you've chosen. It might look like CF from a few feet back but it won't feel like CF and to the trained eye it won't look like CF at all. It's good for having awkward shaped parts done in an engine bay for example, if you were that way inclined. Personally, I'd just put the money to buying the actual CF parts instead though...

It's like sticking an ''M'' badge on the back of a 118d.
Hahaha in a word yeah!!! :smiley:

Don't get me wrong, it can look good on photos etc., but it's just not the same as proper CF.
It's a nice clean, cheap alternative to real CF.
If the point is to only freshen up the interior of your cabin, then I'd say it's a real goer.
It's like sticking an ''M'' badge on the back of a 118d.

There's a pish bog standard X5 near me with an "M" badge next to the X5.. I have to say it fooled me into thinking it was a small 2 seater roadster when I first saw it.
I have never seen it in person so I can't comment these are the picture I found of it

I was hoping you we're going to pop up Fernandez as I haven't a clue what the difference is as photos can be deceiving
Have a look here Josh;

It does serve a purpose and it can look alright, but for me CF should be real or none at all. There's a few different patterns on that site. :smile:

I agree but when I saw this of fort bingo can get everything done a ones, it's not much cheaper tbh your looking at around £160 for all that doing and the. Lock surround, ill check the link out cheers
Photos are deceiving mate. The pattern is just all wrong on anything dipped and there's no depth like with real carbon. At least with wrapping you have the right pattern

Just my personal opinion tho Josh. I think wrapping whether it be carbon or colour is a good mod in its own right, people know its a wrap and it looks good from near or afar. Dipping is like having a Bolex watch, from 50 yrds it looks awesome but on close inspection your busted.
Photos are deceiving mate. The pattern is just all wrong on anything dipped and there's no depth like with real carbon. At least with wrapping you have the right pattern

Just my personal opinion tho Josh. I think wrapping whether it be carbon or colour is a good mod in its own right, people know its a wrap and it looks good from near or afar. Dipping is like having a Bolex watch, from 50 yrds it looks awesome but on close inspection your busted.

Thanks for that ill give it a miss it's not worth wasting £160 that can go towards something els lol like carbon mirrors badges and bullets lol
£160!?! Christ on a bike!!! :smiley:

You'd not pay much more for actual CF dash parts!!! :smiley:
Is this the Same as dipping I found someone that doe this

"l carbon cloth" and apply gel coats and lacquer and so giving the same look as carbon"
Is this the Same as dipping I found someone that doe this

"l carbon cloth" and apply gel coats and lacquer and so giving the same look as carbon"

Not the same as dipping mate. The process above is carbon skinning and done properly looks bang on and looks the same as a carbon piece as it uses genuine carbon.
That's what the images were I got it mixed up lol have sort my interior out with this then lol

Thanks Fernandez any news on carbon badges and bullets there on my Christmas list
I was thinking of going the dipping route myself, but I was thinking of having the rear diffuser, wing mirror covers and front blade/porn star tash done....

I know a bloke with a 700bhp VXR8, yes, 700bhp...and he's had loads done on his, I didnt think it looks too bad, unless you look really closely

This carbon skinning, is it expensive?
the carbon skinning isnt cheap but not to exspencive for my centre console and dash strips its £155 plus postagege

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