Clutch hydrolic hose

My car come back from the main dealers (Honda) where it had a new clutch fitted and the gearbox rebuilt ! Now it's the second time I've been left on a motorway with no clutch and a pool of fluid on the floor, they told me the hydrolic hose blew off? But twice is a bit too much for me there must be a cockul on their behalf?
This happened on my mates Focus ST170 while coming back from me collecting the 200. We were on the motorway and doing, shall I say a decent speed, when it went on him. Covered his foot and a good bit of the interior trim on the drivers side in what ever fluid was in the reservoir. Turned out it was a rubber seal on a hose on the clutch (either slave or master) cylinder which caused it to blow off. Was a cheap enough fix for him but was without the car for a good few days.

Not sure why the fluid leaking would damage the clutch or gear box though.
It went in for a gearbox repair and I thought I'd have the clutch done while the box is out. And within a week of having it back the pipe blew off... Took it back they said they replaced the clip and what not and so i picked it back up today and 3 miles down the road the same thing again !