Just fitted

Some new LED sidelights and changed main and dipped bulbs for some nice Mintec and Osram night breakers.

Hands are shredded to pieces and I have tiny little girl hands!

The results...

For anyone else wanting the links I used.

M-Tec Cosmo Blue 55w H7 for the Dipped Beams

Osram Nightbreakers for the Full Beams 55w H7 (Might be changing these will let you know if I do and for what)

Xenon white LED 501 Sidelights


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Thanks buddy! Seriously they are so fiddly and I can't even count the amount of F's were let loose when the retaining clip wouldn't fit into place!
I did mine when the bumper was off. Balls to doing it with the bumper in situ

I bet you was swearing like a trooper
I was contemplating taking the bumper off then it started to hack it down with rain, Edged the front into the garage and continue in there.

There were a few outbursts yes Ashton :smiley:
Very tempted to do this, only thing putting me off is that I've changed my dipped beam bulb once on the drivers side and that was hard enough. Looks real good though
I did mine other month ( again I have small girly hands too) I used M-tec sidelights and nightbreakers tbh if it's wasn't such a ball ache to swap I'd changed the nightbreakers for something else as I think there crap and not much different to the standard :worried:
I don't really rate the nightbreakers either. But as I have HIDs for dipped, I hardly use the main beam anyway.
Having looked at the Osram Nightbreakers this morning in the dark I also can't really see the difference between them and standards so will be swapping them again for M-Tec's

My poor hands!
Having looked at the Osram Nightbreakers this morning in the dark I also can't really see the difference between them and standards so will be swapping them again for M-Tec's

My poor hands!

Using the same bulb for dipped then as you have for full? If people don't really rate the nightbreakers i'll leave putting them in then and stick in whatever else the recommendation is.

Just a thought Jack, could pop over when you free, both take your bumper off and do a headlight each then do my car. Should be quick with two people?
Using the same bulb for dipped then as you have for full? If people don't really rate the nightbreakers i'll leave putting them in then and stick in whatever else the recommendation is.

Just a thought Jack, could pop over when you free, both take your bumper off and do a headlight each then do my car. Should be quick with two people?

Yeah will be using the same for both M-Tec ones. Yeah can do matey I'm away this coming week but could do the weekend after if you can wait?
Yeah will be using the same for both M-Tec ones. Yeah can do matey I'm away this coming week but could do the weekend after if you can wait?

Would you not need full beam to be higher watts of something so its then brighter?

Yeah i'm in no rush, any time is fine with me