knee update

Oh no!!!!!! :blush:hmy:

Im so sorry to hear that mate! When do you find out whats next, it won't be the end of the road at all.

Ive just read up on this and i really feel for you and i hope your getting on ok. I ruptured my cruciate ligament in my knee and due to incompetent hospital i spent the best part of two years not being able to do anything more than walk, which i was still very gratefull for. Its hard but mentally you need to stay strong, you will come through this it just takes time and a hell of a lot of frustration and pain. Keep your chin up and stay positive, im sure the guys on here will keep you entertained when your bored lol
Good Luck with everything and stay strong :smile:
Ive just read up on this and i really feel for you and i hope your getting on ok. I ruptured my cruciate ligament in my knee and due to incompetent hospital i spent the best part of two years not being able to do anything more than walk, which i was still very gratefull for. Its hard but mentally you need to stay strong, you will come through this it just takes time and a hell of a lot of frustration and pain. Keep your chin up and stay positive, im sure the guys on here will keep you entertained when your bored lol
Good Luck with everything and stay strong :smile:
thanks mate will try determind to get back some to some normalaty

well 12 months on and it gets worse
they have decided i have to have spinal cord stimulators attached to the nerves in my spinal cord (3 to 5 hour opp) 4 months of doin nothing again
then on thursday see the ortho specialist and he decides to do an MRI scan again because he thinks the muscle graft has now failed.happy days.
sorry to go on rant over
Just read all this thread and I want to say I really hope all goes well and somehow things get better. I destroyed my ankle in 2007 and was told id never skate again. Didnt walk for 8 months and it has taken me a lot to prove the doctors wrong. I now skate all the time and have got my ankle strong. I know this is my story not yours and your deal is different. But stay posi and never give in. Ive had friends destroy their bodies so much doing skateboarding and bmx's but have fought to keep themselves from the scrap yard. All im saying is stick in there, even though **** seems bad. Stay posi. All my good vibes go out to you dude.
Aw Roy I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope that you get a positive outcome from your next appointments. Stay strong.

Hi Roy, I have only just read this thread, and it all sounds like a nightmare..hope all goes well with your next op...everyone's wishing you lots of strength, I'm sure :smile: