Need your opinion :)

Im in need of two new front tyres as they are a few mil from the limit, my rear are fine, when my fronts are changed i was thinking of putting the new tyres on the rear and the old rear on the front in order to wear them away and to keep the new Tyres good for longer

Worth doing or should i just put the new straight on the front?

Your initial answer is correct, new rubber should always be fitted to the rear. Industry standard. Doing anything else can be dangerous.

Not entirely correct.

Newer tyres on the front CAN cause oversteer.

Newer ones on the rear CAN cause understeer.

It is thought that understeer is safer than oversteer. Hence some places (costco) will insist on them on the rear.

Others trust your judgement or couldn't give a......

I for one put new rubber on the front.
Agree with Metal Pen, and would add that if I were you, get the old ones on the front to get rid of them quicker. Old rubber can be as bad as worn rubber sometimes. I need to do it on my MPS.
I always put old tyres on the front and new tyres on the rear but that's mainly to make sure the old rubber gets replaced next.

However I don't think it really matters any more with modern cars.
Thank you for the comments guys all very helpful, think im going to put the new on the rear and old on the front and wear them down leading me to having 4 fairly new tyres.

With that i can then wear them evenly and change all 4 together in the future and change tyre brand if i want to try out others different from conti's, as i like them all to be the same :smile: