New Member - Storm Grey

Afternoon All,

I thought I would introduce myself to the site after purchasing a 60 plate 200. Sadly the photos are poor (so please don't judge).

Simply loved the colour and always fancied the ugly front ends of the 200s and found this relatively close to me. 27k on clock and 2 previous owners.

I'm sure someone may recognise the green callipers. Anyone have a clue of previous owner?

Sadly the car wasn't in great shape and the first couple months will be spent getting it back up to scratch. Had some new rubber put on already and going to Renotec for a service soon. Other than that, I will trying to tidy it up and enjoy the last of the decent weather before winter sets in.

Anyway here's a few snaps from today





Thanks for the welcomes!

Really enjoying it at the moment. Far better than my old BG182 and VXR.

As you can see the last pic shows how bad the curbing is. Hopefully a full refurb soon, just need a spare alloy.
Another couple cheeky snaps from yesterday.

Not sure I'm keen on the mud flaps so will be removed after winter.


Interior has been wrapped, looks like a good job so more than happy.

Appreciate it, thanks for all the welcomes. :thumbsup:

Simply loving the motor at the moment, if anything a tad embarrassed with the badly curbed alloys.

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