Next Question: What Oil?


Platinum Member
5W40 yes?

But what make etc.

I used Mobil 1 0w40 this time round due to the horredous mileage and conditions (-19 to +38 temps lol) :smile::smile:

Opie Oils i'm guessing again, but choice is too big :blink:

Links again would be divine :hug:
I could do with knowing this too. My car said it was low on Oil the other day, but now it says its fine. I think I'm going to change it anyway.
i used castrol the other day mainly because my stop light came on whilst i was outside a halfords and its the best they sell lol.
whne i checked my oil the dipstick was dry lol :S soooooooooooooooo lucky!!!!!
Personally I would stick with the factory oil,which renault sell in 5L cans so if you need it in a hurry just pop in to your stealers and get one!while your at it get a genuine renault oil filter and sump washer and jobs a good un,keep the invoice with your service book