paper rpgs/boardgames....


Platinum Member
Anyone play these anymore?
Im a massive fan/collector and have lots of different styles/types.
Staple entertainment for me growing up..
Sadly appears consoles have taken over..
I love Monopoly and Game Of Life if that's what you mean? Also a fan of Cluedo, Frustration and Trivial Pursuit when the mood takes me. Pictionary is a Christmas staple in our house too, always has been since I was little as has Boggle. Great fun when the parentals are half-cut and even more fun now I'm old enough to be half-cut too. :smiley:

I have a copy of ''Escape From Colditz'' boardgame at my mum and dads that's never been played, partly because the manual is about 150 pages thick and partly because I think in all honesty I was a little young (12-ish) when I got it and was more interested in the PS2 at the time. I keep thinking I'll break it out one weekend as it looks very cool.

Painted a bit of Warhammer 40K too as a teen, enjoyed the models more than the playing though...
Painted a bit of Warhammer 40K too as a teen, enjoyed the models more than the playing though...


Unfortunately my hands aren't as steady as they were back then, over a decade of heavy smoking, stressfull job and the occasional recreational non-prescription medicine, I'd do a worse job of painting one than Michael J Fox.