Petrol consumption - Motorway use?


I was just wondering what speed people have found they get the best petrol consumption on motorway journeys?!

I know this isn't the reason we bought the cars but my journey to work every day is motorway, and a boring stretch at that, so would just prefer to save the fuel for the A and B roads!?!

Anything above 75mph ish (with old gearbox) and you'll be lucky to get over 32-25 MPG. Not sure about the newer gearbox and 200 with longer final gearing.

I usually average 30 MPG on most trips and I'm not driving like a maniac!
My trip to Silverstone and back with Cruise control set at 75mph i got 32mpg in my 200, just managed to get 350 miles from a full tank.
mine does 40 on a long run no cruise control it uses to much lol... 32 around town :smile: can't be bad although I don't drive mine hard at all
Cruise control set at 60mph will return 40mpg on mine, with the old gear ratios. You have to be sensible though, if you slow for any reason don't just press reset on the cruise as this accelerates quickly. Slowly accelerate back to 60 and then press reset
I've had 36 mpg on cruise control at 75. But that was on the M6. Went down quite a bit once onto the M74 due to all the hills.
i've been driving relitively reserved recently and i've been returning 32.7mpg. I do go on drives down country lanes fairly regularly but down cain it, especially with the amount of rain we've had over the last couple of months! my main drive is down the A14 for 30 mins a day!
I very regularly do the whole M4, I set cruise control at 70mph and normally get 34-36mpg. Think cruise control might use more petrol, but it's worth it :thumbup1:
I've experimented a little bit with this. Just as an example - My weeks driving usually consists of 35miles each way to work mon to fri, parents on a thursday (5 miles each way) and there's on a sunday (5 miles each way). Maybe a few other runs so all in all about 400 miles a week.

The best I've managed was around 39.2mpg (although having worked it out I think it was more like 40.2mpg). This was driving all week long at 57-60mph drafting behind lorries etc (very very painfully boring).

I used economy techniques such as rolling in gear up to junctions (this should use no fuel as long as it's in gear, in effect ,acting as a big air pump) with very little braking involved and turning engine off if arriving at traffic lights when they've just turned to red. Also made conscious effort to keep momentum up while using little throttle. I sometimes also lightly pump the throttle going up hill to try and keep speed up.

I've no doubt if I was on a full tank run using those techniques I could happily get 42-45mpg (although this would kill me with boredom).

I've started just sticking to 65-70mph using those techniques, while also having the odd little play now and again (accelerating on to motorways etc) and generally over the course of a tank I'll see 34-36mpg.

This is costing me hardly any more time to get back and forth to work so I don't see the point in razzing to work everyday and only getting 27-28mpg (80-90mph). Saves me about 60 or so a month in petrol cost as well :smile:
My trip to Leeds this coming weekend for the meet will be a good experiment!

Get about 34 mpg on motorway according to my MPG calculator site thingy!
I took it steady from Swansea to West Yorks last week, cruise set at 74mph where possible, but generally drove smoothly, and returned 41mpg, ave speed was 61mph, so clearly I wasn't exactly hanging about as there were plenty of places when 74 wasn't possible. Interestingly, while the computer is usually around 10-15% out, on this trip it only said 35mpg.
Who cares, live it like a high roller, you run out, you fill up! Simples :wink: lol

My best is 411 miles out of mine, with the old gearbox on motorways etc doing mainly 70. Also with t passengers each with luggage. Not bad! I dont think the 200's are much better. When they are in 6th the rev only 400 rpm lower then the original gearbox, hardly earth shattering lol!!!!
I went through a phase of trying to get max mpg but now I just drive it how I want to, much more fun and won't cost a load more unless you're doing high mileage
I hardly do any motorway miles but I have seen 35-37MPG at a steady 70MPH on a decent run out.

ITG Panel Filter, no other mods and not using Cruise Control.