VW Mk6 Golf R in White presented in Auto Finesse DESIRE

It sure is getting nippy out there, but at least the snow hasn't descended upon the Midlands just yet, unlike this time last year!

This morning saw me travelling across to Norton Canes, near Cannock, Staffs, to cleanse and protect this sexy Golf R in Candy White ahead of its imminent sale. This particular R is owned by the owner of a local VW/VAG Specialist - Midland VW (http://www.midlandvw.co.uk/home.html), who look after my own Edition 30 for me, and have recently fitted my suspension, brakes and ITG Air Intake.

DSC01209 by RussZS, on Flickr

Jody, the owner, was kind enough to let me use his premises for this detail, but I only had 5 hours to do what I could with it, with the main aim being to cleanse the paint safely, remove any contamination and to lay down to strong protection.

I was lucky enough to receive one of the 20 pots of Auto Finesse's new Desire wax, so I would be trying it out for the first time on this R. Jody is going to send me updated, but it's going on my Edition 30 tomorrow too.

I got started just after 8:30. Here are a few befores - please note I didn't take as many pcis as I normally do as I was really pushed for time:

DSC01212 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01213 by RussZS, on Flickr

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Wheels, tyres and arches first, with G101, Smart Wheels, EZ Detail Brush and Swissvax Wheel Brushes:

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DSC01218 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01219 by RussZS, on Flickr

I wasn't sure if my lance would fit Jody's PW (which he kindly let me use) so I decided to opt for Auto Finesse Citrus Power as a pre cleaner:

DSC01220 by RussZS, on Flickr

This pic gives some context to just how dirty this car was:

DSC01221 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next the car was pressure rinsed, hand washed with Auto Finesse Lather, then treated to IronX:

DSC01223 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01226 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01227 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01228 by RussZS, on Flickr

Tar was dealt with next, with Auto Finesse's soon-to-be-released Tar & Glue Remover (it works more quickly than Tardis!!):

DSC01233 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01235 by RussZS, on Flickr

The Golf was then moved inside to be clayed. Auto Finesse Clay was used, with Citrus Bling as lube:

DSC01238 by RussZS, on Flickr

The bar didn't pick much up, which shows just how good IronX and AF T&G are:

DSC01239 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next the car was dried then cleansed with Auto Finesse Rejuvenate via Rotary and 3M Polishing pad:

DSC01242 by RussZS, on Flickr

As ever, it did a superb job of laying down a slick surface, ideal for applying waxes easily and lifted a bit more dirt from the paint:

DSC01241 by RussZS, on Flickr

Next, it was time to lay down some protection. I decided to use Auto Finesse's Desire, which I was lucky enough to receive yesterday - it's so new, it doesn't even have a label on it!

DSC01240 by RussZS, on Flickr

I have tried a LOT of waxes in my time, probably over 50 or so, but for ease of use this one is very near the top! James had advised that it shouldn't be left on too long - panel at a time, similar to Spirit, so I left it on for a couple of minutes before removing. Spreading the wax was very easy and it removed without issue at all. One thing I did spot, which really amused me, was that the MF I used to remove the wax seemed to become water repellent - a drip of water fell from the wing mirror and sheeted right off the MF!! I've never seen that before! Clearly only time will tell how this wax holds up in terms of durability, but application, removal and smell and all huge thumbs up from me!

I'd also have to say that it definitely added a lovely wetness and gloss to the white paint - something which most waxes struggle with, and the reason why I tend to use sealants on lighter colours. This wax could turn out to be VERY special if the durability is strong - I'll make sure I post updated, perhaps in comparison to something like Crystal Rock...


- Exhausts with Optimum Metal Polish

DSC01254 by RussZS, on Flickr

- Wheels with Auto Finesse Mint Rims
- Tyres with Pinnacle Black Onyx
- Glass with Auto Finesse Crystal

Now for some finished pics:

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DSC01263 by RussZS, on Flickr
DSC01265 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01270 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01273 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01274 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01276 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01278 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01279 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01282 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01286 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01289 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01291 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01293 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01301 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01302 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01304 by RussZS, on Flickr

DSC01307 by RussZS, on Flickr

Quick interior pic (not detailed)

DSC01311 by RussZS, on Flickr

Thanks to Jody for letting me work on his lovely car and for his superb hospitality

Thanks for reading

DSC01309 by RussZS, on Flickr

Russ - Midlands Car Care
Great job as usual mate:smile:. I do like the golf R there was one up the VW garage near me, I almost fell over when i see the price of it though lol
Love this car. It looks really good in white.

My Dad used to have a Scirocco R and it was simply awesome.

Great work as always, mate.
I assume so - it hasn't broken YET lol!

The Red Daytona brush is a lot more durable though...

Yeah, I've heard that the Daytona is way more durable than the original EZ. However, I've also heard that the new and improved EZ is the same as the Daytona.

I'd rather get the new EZ if it is actually the same as the Daytona, but I'll get a Daytona if they're better quality. I've tried to ask the manufacturers but struggled to get any sense out of them.

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