What can I do


Platinum Member
To stop the kids scraping the snow off my car, I just nearly died when I seen what they had been doing :worried:

I have been out and they are no where in sight, done it to loads of other cars too but im guessing no one else paid extra money for paint like me :oops:
Nothing really, guessing it won't do a great deal of damage if they are just using their hands. Chase after them like a crazy old witch the next time they do it. :wink:

I've been at a friends house and her dad kindly brushed the snow of my windows with a house brush. I nearly died..
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Do nothing.

Otherwise, next time they will remember the miserable old woman that moaned and they'll key it...
shoot em, shoot em right in the face!

failing that, when they are not about go out and remove all the snow off the car your self that way they wont be trying to collect snow of it, simples my dear
sneak into your car when they aint looking and wait till they do it again then as they touch your car beep the horn lol theyl **** themselves, might not stop them but will be funny
I do have an air rifle that you could use Maz, wouldn't hurt them just deter them in a ...................way! :001_unsure:

You could sit up stairs and take pot shots at them through the bedroom window!


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