Whats your favorite snow foam to use?

I use the PH neutral one from CYC but I find it doesnt stay on the car very long, this is after trying different dilution ratios so im after something to replace it as its nearly run out.
thats the original stuff from when snow foaming became the new thing i beleive.

Not really tried any other products to be fair.

i4detailing might have some. plenty of other detailing websites too... check the traders section over on detailing world
thats what im using at the minute but cant seem to get the dilution right. I also use a karcher with it but it just doesnt stick for very long at all
I currently use Chemical Guys No Touch Snowfoam its pretty good foams quite a bit and does the job.
Before that I just used some Chemical Guys Maxi Suds II car shampoo.... that foamed like a boss
thats what im using at the minute but cant seem to get the dilution right. I also use a karcher with it but it just doesnt stick for very long at all

Works fine for me, takes about 5 mins to drip off the car.

I usually treat wheels, foam and wash the wheels and then the foam has nicely fallen off with just a bit left on ready for power washing off.
just ordered a small bottle of that Maxi Suds II to give it a go :smile:

Nice one! I put one long squirt into the snow foam bottle then about 300ml of hot water connected to pressure washer and boom, before you know it you're foaming lamp posts and pedestrians on their way past
Nice one! I put one long squirt into the snow foam bottle then about 300ml of hot water connected to pressure washer and boom, before you know it you're foaming lamp posts and pedestrians on their way past

that has to be the best bit of foaming LOL
Nice one! I put one long squirt into the snow foam bottle then about 300ml of hot water connected to pressure washer and boom, before you know it you're foaming lamp posts and pedestrians on their way past

Just received my bottle so will try your method of one long squirt and then the 300ml of hot water and see how it goes :smile: