...you hear some funny things....

...so last night I was playing F1 2010 on line....found a gaming room that had a couple of players with headsets, so I put mine on.....from the start I could hear a baby crying in the background, but these two guys were chatting away about tactics and set up etc....before long I heard a female voice and she shouted

'what the f***, your baby is crying and all you can f***ing do is sit there on that ****ing Play station...' I assume she left the room with the baby....one of the guys says...

'**** me your missus is hard work'....the reply was

'yeah...yesterday she was going on about havin' some money so I gave 'er some money for bills and that, about £200 and she just spoke to me like I was a child, so I said don't speak to me like a child and she just went to bed and wouldn't speak to me.....so today...right....I bought her some flowers and sent them to her work, they were £40, but there was not a word of thanks or nothin.....she's in the 'ed!'

It was so matter of fact....I couldn't beleive it! And broadcast accross the world!! Some people must have a very strange sense of priorities!
Haha! I've had similar things like this online. I normally get people having conversations with people in the room with them while playing a game. Strange.
I was on the xbox playing cod mw2 and some american fella was ripping into his mrs for eating the last doughnut :lol:
Omg thats weird ......... F1 2010 tonight slime pm me ure mobile number so i can tell u wen me n paul are on n have a chat thrgh headset:smile:
I will be up for some race action. I must say though I always turn the annoying chatter off where possible lol!
whats this game like? using forza as my racing game bar how does it compare? i expect full simulation? crash damage?
its like racing in real life mate. tyre wear . . . when ure tyres over heat they blister, full crash damage including the occasional puncture which is annoying wen ure in pole. just an awesome game all round.my logitech G25 is for sale as I want logitech G26 lol