The New owner of 002/500

Just a quick post to say Hi to everyone. Just signed up after taking ownership of Withoutabix's R27 on Friday and it's amazing...I'm so happy :001_tt1:!

Top site!!!
Welcome to the site Beaty.
You've got yourself a great car putting out above average power.

Where you from.?
The one withoutabix wrote off ???

JOKES :smile:

It's a great car .... Prepare to get addicted
Welcome to the site! You going to keep it as it was bought or do you have any plans for it!?
Welcome lad! I must be missing something here, has it been tinkerd with? (as we say up here) :w00t:
Welcome along, you must stay on here as i know from experience that it is really nice being able to keep tabs on your old car :wink:

I have tabs on 3 out of 4 of my old cars :smile:

You'll enjoy this place - it is really good :smile:
Only plans at the mo are maybe getting a real carbonfibre bonnet and a front splitter!

But we'll see lol

Dunno if you have seen this but I did a PS of a proper CF bonnet I just need to bring myself to buy one lol!


Might help you make a decision lol! :thumbup:

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