Clio -> Twingo

I've been a bit skint the last few months, and TBH I'm getting a bit sick of it... SO, I've been looking at ways to save some cash and its looking more and more like the Clio is one of my biggest expenses.

At the moment I'm weighing up selling up the Clio and moving to something cheaper to run for a year or two to save some cash and get everything straight. I've been looking at Twingo 133's as the Mrs likes them and its still an RS so I'm not completely leaving the fold.

So does anyone have experience of taking the 'downgrade' from the Clio to the Rs Twingo and have any opinions? I know its slower, I know its cheaper on the inside, but I also know they can be a barrel of fun. (We had a 1.2 Twingo before the Clio).

To be honest, I'm pretty gutted about it all, and I'm not 100% certain the Clio will go, and if it does it'll likely be after the next couple of "summer" months. Honestly my biggest downer is that I'm pretty sure that once the Clio is gone, I won't buy another. Thats not to say its been a bad car, its been GREAT, it's just that I've been yearning for other cars (something JAP) for a while, but selling the Clio was never an option so I stayed put. Once its gone though, I won't have a reason to buy another over something Jap or RWD :worried:
I found the only aspect of the 133 that was cheaper than the 200 was the road tax. Insurance is the same, MPG is same etc etc.

Definitely a good little car but not much cheaper to run than the Clio tbh.
What is is specifically that is costing you so much on the Clio? Is it fuel, tax, insurance, general repairs (or all of the above)

I presume you would sell the Clio then buy a Twingo and the same or lower price than you get for it?

Sometimes its better the devil you know....
Nooooooooo Rob, Go on cash in the attic, apply for deal or no deal, become a porn star, sell drugs, pimp your nan... Just don't whatever you do sell the Clio.

Post closed..
I found the only aspect of the 133 that was cheaper than the 200 was the road tax. Insurance is the same, MPG is same etc etc.

Definitely a good little car but not much cheaper to run than the Clio tbh.

My insurance is coming in at £300 cheaper (thats without looking at brokers like Greenlight who I'm currently with). I'm 25 and the Mrs is 22 so our insurance is currently £800+ for the year. Its about £150 per year cheaper on tax, then theres the fuel. Add in to that my car is due the cambelt change in the next 10/12months and theres a few savings I'm considering.

What is is specifically that is costing you so much on the Clio? Is it fuel, tax, insurance, general repairs (or all of the above)

I presume you would sell the Clio then buy a Twingo and the same or lower price than you get for it?

Sometimes its better the devil you know....

Its a combination of things to be honest. Last month was a particularly mile heavy month, so I spent more on fuel than I did on my mortgage! The running costs of Tax, Fuel, Insurance and general maintenance are probably the biggest issues. + If I chop it in within the next 10months I can avoid the cambelt change too. I'd most likely take it in to Renault and just swap it for a similarly priced Twingo, which should see me in a '10 or newer car with ~20k miles.

Nooooooooo Rob, Go on cash in the attic, apply for deal or no deal, become a porn star, sell drugs, pimp your nan... Just don't whatever you do sell the Clio.

Post closed..

:smiley: I've considered all the above mate, its a bit sh*tty to be honest, whichever way I do it I won't be 100% happy. My current lack of cash is starting to get me down, but selling the Clio and swapping it for a Twingo might just disappoint me even more :worried:. I've been thinking lately I should go on Catchphrase, I f*cking LOVE that show! :smiley:
I've had a bit of a guess at the cots (excl. repairs/servicing) its maybe not as much as I'd hoped for...

Clio (pcm)
Fuel: 154
Insurance: 69
Tax: 29
Total Running Costs: 252

Twingo (pcm)
Fuel: 103
Insurance: 41
Tax: 14.5
Total Running Costs: 158.5

Total Saving (pcm): £93.5
182?? Put a lump sum back in your pocket?? Will get better fuel economy than the 197 at least......
Its not the lump some I'm really looking for TBH Mike, otherwise I'd consider it. At the moment, I've had a 30% loss in income, so I'm just trying to right the balance of money in -vs- money out at the moment.
On the flip to that Rob, if your saving is say 90 a month by going to the twingo, but you could put 3k in your arse pocket by moving to something cheaper/older, thats over 30 months of that equivalent saving....
Don't do it! Selling my 197 last summer was one of my biggest regrets. 12 months later, getting a 200...

I've written a blog about it which I was going to post when I collected the 200 tomorrow.... Here's a snippet:

"To say that I am glad to be back in a RenaultSport would be a be a massive understatement. Selling my 197 was the biggest mistake as far as my car history is concerned. These cars make you feel alive and if you're someone who appreciates driving for everything that it is, you need one of these cars. If you're already an owner and you bought one for the sheer driving experience, think long and hard before you sell."

Hold off if you can, because the second time around it wont be as cheap if you're left with any negative equity on the Twingo.
Hold off if you can, because the second time around it wont be as cheap if you're left with any negative equity on the Twingo.

Interesting post Tom, thanks. I'm honestly really in two minds, without a doubt if it wasn't for the money then I wouldn't be considering it.

On the flip to that Rob, if your saving is say 90 a month by going to the twingo, but you could put 3k in your arse pocket by moving to something cheaper/older, thats over 30 months of that equivalent saving....

Very good point mate, I would have to then take that money out of the account and filter it back in to my current account monthly to get the same effect though, which seems odd to me for some reason :001_unsure:

Get a bike (motor or pedal) to reduce the biggest outgoing (fuel)?

The car isn't used for my commute to work, I have a van for that. The Clio is the Mrs' run-around and our weekend transport. At the moment she's unemployed so it doesn't do massive mileage, which is probably the reason I've held out this long as I've always been in the mindset of "it's only REALLY a weekend car, so it should be fun". But with my monthly out-goings on the rise, my wages on the decline, a wedding, a honeymoon, a mortgage and trying to save a deposit for the next house all at the same time I'm getting a little stretched...
If I was in your position it'd be a tidy 172 I was looking for, lump sum in the bank. Still a highly enjoyable car too.
The most enjoyable car I've ever owned was a Mk5 Fiesta Zetec S. Yes they're getting a bit old now but they can be bought for peanuts and cost very little to run. Just an option.

I'd have another one tomorrow if I needed a cheap run around.
Keep your clio and get another cheap car to run round in.

If you sell your clio, you never get same one back.
i tried this once went from a mint Rb 182 to a brand new twingo rs, They are great cars dont get me wrong but there was a BIG BUT. and i personally didnt think i saved much on fuel. had it 6 months and went back to a 182, so much more fun as well and fuel is roughly the same as a twingo on a 182
Interesting post Tom, thanks. I'm honestly really in two minds, without a doubt if it wasn't for the money then I wouldn't be considering it.
What a shame mate, I think you're going to regret it... :worried:

i tried this once went from a mint Rb 182 to a brand new twingo rs, They are great cars dont get me wrong but there was a BIG BUT. and i personally didnt think i saved much on fuel. had it 6 months and went back to a 182, so much more fun as well and fuel is roughly the same as a twingo on a 182
if your really wanting to save money then a twingo wont save you that much...not only that can you get a "straight swap"???

as said theres a few nice 172/182 about - a few £K only :w00t:

failing that just get a cheap diesel hatch and make bigger savings for the next few years if you have all that to come - something has to give :'(
I went from 197 to twingo rs best thing I've ever done ,
If driving sensible you get about 4-5 mpg more than Clio,
The tax is cheaper
Parts I.e brakes are alot cheaper
I feel it handles better than the 197 and is alot more fun,
My insurance more than halved from Clio to twingo
They react decent to breather mods if your into modding .... Just everything is better , how ever try and get a dini I've got one and look at the normal rs and think hmmmm gordini looks so much more nice interior wise but yea best thing I ever done

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