200 cup...retro fit fog lights?

I would like a 200 FF in the first instance.

IF I decide, and its a pretty reluctant I am frigging skint IF, to buy a cup; can you retro fit fog lights as I prefer the front end with foggies in.

Also, if this is possible, new legislation will require day time running lights fairly soon: typically LED type arrangements.

Is it possible to fit LED into the fog enclosure for all day running?

This is my first post: sorry if these questions have been discussed before. I checked the forums and could not find anything similiar.

Best wishs

Yeah I know. But if I bought a the 200 cup. Not the FF. Can you fit fog lights onto that. I know it doesnt come with them.
Probably not an easy job. You'd need to wire it all in and there could be a difference in the ECU build aswell.
the wiring should be there and would be a case of fitting a switch and probably a relay/fuse and the lights and grill etc

not to big a job - especially if you got the chance to compare it to one with them fitted
Mmmm I'd question whether the wiring is there. It isn't there for cars that don't have cornering lights so why put it into a cup model without spotlights? It would be a waste and goes against the idea of a cheaper build.

You might also find Renault charge the earth for a 200FF grill. I'd wait for a 2nd hand FF to come up and get that. You'll appreciate the extras :smile: