60,000 miles / 6year service

Hey guys,

service light has come on just after 60,000miles..


just wondering what i'm going to need for this service??
i have no clue and don't want to get ripped off, if i can get the high quality stuff myself for cheaper aswell that would be better!

also, is it really worth going to renault and paying the extra for then to do it?

I always take my own can of oil into service. It is similar stuff what they use in the renault dealer (Castrol magnatec 5w40). That is easy way to save money.
Yeah the belts were done last year!
Just cause i have MOT and my tax coming up all at once, could do with saving some money somewhere!
might be able to get a deal, service with free MOT or something hopefully?

i'll get some oil ordered!
Do i need new plugs? Anything else worth getting myself?