Anyone watching Dynamo the Magician

He's something special. I'm recording it to watch as soon as Caroline has finished what I like to call ''Sh!t TV Hour''. :smile:
That's the one, just checked on the planner, CH.109 if you have HD.
That bloke is unreal will have to see him live.I hate magic but this is on another level:kiss::kiss::kiss:
Dynamo is class. I haven't watched it yet, will do over the weekend but I love the last couple of series.
I managed to watch it on Watch +1. Was good, but he didn't do that many tricks, there was so much about him going all over the place and talking. The tricks he does are good though. How the hell he does it I just don't know.
am I the only person who really isnt blown away by this guy? He uses a tonne of stop-camera work, and for me that just kills anything he does.