
Watching the cky dvds for the first time in a few years (basically the jackass guys but before they got on mtv).
Have split my sides watching this ! For anyone who has not seen them. Go check em out. Its juvenile, but so funny !!! Watch em !
Haha I had all these on video as they came out lol! Do you like there music?

Love the music !!!
I'd say I know these guys personally (dirty sanchez dudes too) as Im skater. But im not admitting to it as they are total dicks ! lol. You into the music and the whole skate culture?
I used to skate a few years ago, used to have a park in my town but mainly looked for any good street spots. Have you ever seen Prichard vs dainton? It was on video a fair few years back! It was gross, some really sick stuff on there! I've got quite a few cky tracks on my phone at the moment
Yep, have that video on the shelf ! Those two dudes are insane! What park was near you? I skate street mainly. And go parks when it rains. Mainly Ramp city in Blackpool.
Haha Hardly anyones seen that! I seen that as with the cky vids so many times. Well there was a tiny park called montys, the ES shoe team came there once with Eric kosten. the death team went quite a few times. There was rock city near me, they've both closed now. The nearest ones leeds
Yeah I know those parks. Going leeds skating soon. That ES tour was rad ! Sick skaters. Funny you should mention that dainton vs pritchard vid, as I was talking to someone on the sidewalk forum about it the other day. And that knowbody has seen it, yet dirty sanchez is massive. You should get back out skating bro.