My 197 locked its keys inside....all on its own!

Yep, crazy but true!

Did some sports this afternoon, back to the car and put my bag in the boot with key inside it. Had a few mins to cool off before getting in (Don't want to get those recaros sweaty!) but whilst standing outside the bloody car locked itself, all on its own!!!

So, they keys in the car.....should unlock when I put my hand by the sensor right!? Well, no.....apparently not! So, my keys are in the car so I can't get in, my phone is in the car so I can't call for help, my spare key is in my flat but my flat keys are in my car! Stuck!!!

Anyway, after convincing the RAC that I'd pay for membership after they get my keys out they turned up after 2 hours and managed to open the car.

Not impressed, how did this happen!? Only thing I can think of is that the battery in the key unfortunately died in those few minutes I was standing outside the car?
Your not the first one Ben I remember having to advise someone on here what to do a few years ago he did the same.Not good is it
Erm Roy.....I think that was me!!! This is the second time for me but different circumstances last time and I understood that one!
I would say the keyfob definitely had lost communication with the car, whether that is because they keycards battery had died, or something more sinister - i've had two keycards totally die on me due to being sat on / bent in my pocket.
I think the boot is different to the doors, so if you had opened a door it wouldn't have re-locked itself.
Erm Roy.....I think that was me!!! This is the second time for me but different circumstances last time and I understood that one!

Bloody hell Ben that's what is called bad luck but I knew someone had it happen
I think the boot is different to the doors, so if you had opened a door it wouldn't have re-locked itself.

Yea but have you ever tried locking the car when the key is inside? It won't let you!

And every time I play sports I do this, throw my bag with key in the boot, close boot and then go to open the door, it always unlocks because the key's in range (in the boot).
Yeah I'd guess the close proximity sensor (for telling if the key is in the car) is in the dash. More likely than not it couldn't detect your key in the boot at all. A good test would be to (obviously get your spare key) then try the same again, this time try it on the drivers seat too.

I don't even have a spare :worried:, when Renault replaced my key I tried blagging them to let me keep the old one, it didnt work...
If the key was in the same pocket as your phone, that would stop it opening.

I find this happens to me sometimes. I have a Bold 9900 which is quite fat, and if the card is wedged between my thigh and the phone it won't pick up the sensor so I have to push the phone to the side and try again.
if your keycard is behind your iphone in your pocket (maybe other phones aswell but not sure) it blocks the car picking up the card.
Yeah pretty much what everyone has said your phone can interfere with the hands free. Happens quite often to me if my phone is infront of the key card in my pocket
I noticed mine do something simular the other day, i went out to clean the wheels and took the key with me so i did'nt set off the alarm, turned off the alarm and within a couple of minutes it had locked itself.

Luckily the key was on the pavement so i unlocked it again.

After three or four times i unopened a door then closed it and it stayed unlocked.

I suppose this is some kind of security measure and if you pressed the button inside your house (unlocked it) after a couple of minutes it's locked again.

The only thing that worried me is if i could lock the keys inside but i suppose to do that i'd have to open the door, you'd have thought opening the boot would have the same effect.
Interesting, I always keep my phone and key in seperate pockets but thrown in my sports bag they could have touched.

Going to experiment with it tomorrow to get a definite answer
could be phone. When mine played up i was told some ecu are touchy with radio waves as the car has a built anti scanning safety measure.. if it detect too many signals it can shut down to prevent being scanned if that makes sense.. I no longer chuck my keys and phone in the center bit by the gearstick :smile: