Soon to be a 197 owner!

Hi all, i am soon to be an owner of a 197 in albi blue!

Its my first car so im well excited, just wondering if anybody had any information on the car or is a previous owner? It currently has a private plate on it S900 AMJ, its 2006 and currently has 70,000 on the clock, is there anything to look out for when i view it saturday? As im quite new to the scene!

Cheers kurt
Do you know if it's had the belts changed? As this can be a pricey job if not and would need to have been done by now
197 as a first car?

I presume you have experience driving other cars, just never owned one? If not - Please be careful.
Hi all thanks for the replies, im not sure abount belts but will ask, im currently driving a mercedes vito van so techincally the 197 will be my first car haha, my i lnsurance is will be £2019 im 18 but havent got any no claims because im only a named driver on the van
That's a crazy price to pay for insurance, however at the same time I think it's very reasonable for someone of your age.

Is that your own policy or as a named driver?
:welcome:mate.Great car you are buying so enjoy it.If you need advise on anything to do with it this is the place to be
Indeed, I got insured at 21 and it was £1800.. Actually should have been £2300 but admiral had fudged up. Seceond year it's now £900.
Add them to somewhere like photo bucket and then copy the IMG code into you post on here.
Albi blue best colour :thumbup:

Just keep an eye on 3rd/4th syncros mate. They can "graunch" (love that word lol) when pressing on :rolleyes: