Snowed in


Gold Member
So who's actually snowed in?

For once I'm not even attempting to get in my motor.. went out the other day in it and the 595's were interesting to say the least.
Lol, we had the 182 out with them yesterday now as she is quite well stripped, thankfully they are still quite progressive when they start to go, so shes back tucked away again for the minute.

I'm off work anyway today so am having a self imposed 'snow-in', but not too bad yet round here this morning

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So who's actually snowed in?

For once I'm not even attempting to get in my motor.. went out the other day in it and the 595's were interesting to say the least.

just ask leanne to back this up, i have been driving around in this weather with the 595 rsr's and tbh i havent had any issues at all
just ask leanne to back this up, i have been driving around in this weather with the 595 rsr's and tbh i havent had any issues at all

You want to get on some impacted and icy country lanes mate then you'll see what I mean.

Having said that the 595's have never let me down before even in torrential rain.
I'm snowed in, well kind of.

TBH I've seen worse, but I dug the damn thing out yesterday, then this morning another 6" of snow! Its hammering it down with snow again today.

Sod digging it out to drive to work, to get snowed on there, dig it out of that car park and come back home and repeat tomorrow.

Laptop out, working from home FTW :smile:
plenty of the snow here!

rb1 is tucked up in the garage full of road filth/salt but snow free

no intention of using it today got baby sitting duties :foxspeed:
Not too bad here although they've cancelled my trackday tomorrow at Oulton. Damn you H&S. :worried:

We did get a load dumped on us in the night but it's pretty mild so it's on the way to clearing already. As for being snowed in... F?ck that, I'm back in work tomorrow and have a 0445 trip from Knutsford to Cramlington (Newcastle) in the truck to collect a Drophead Coupe. We can't stop making money just because it's not dry and sunny. MAN UP!!! :smiley:
I managed to drive Leeds to Bradford only to find I couldn't get the Clio over a speed bump...... I parked up and walked the last 3/4 mile.

All good fun although the Clio, ignoring unsuitable tyres is a bag of ****e in this weather. The clutch is neigh on digital and it actually goes better in reverse in the snow.
I was due at work this morning for a 4.15 start, delivering to carlisle.

I was a bit miffed to see more snowfall (i'd been out in it sunday so car was clear of it sunday night) so i started clio up and set about clearing the snow off, just about to get in the car when phone rang (04.08 ) agency telling me the job was cancelled.

Pissed off is not the right word, i have same job and time for tomorrow so heres hoping the ungreatfull bastid with the full time job turns in.
Grrr, feel like im in the dark ages!! I cant get a sky signal so am having to listen to the radio!!!!
Grrr, feel like im in the dark ages!! I cant get a sky signal so am having to listen to the radio!!!!

clear the snow off your dish! mine did the same the other day...ended up leaning out of the bedroom window with a floor mop to clear the snow off it :poke:

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