Space saver spare

Iv been in touch with a breakers looking for a space saver, iv ordered one from him with tyre for £35 delivered and he says he has quite a few. if anybody's interested ill put his eBay shop name on and you can contact him
Ha searched for ages I found 1 at £19 but was too far for me to go collect he also had an exhaust for sale by the sounds of it he's a member too :wink:
Ill wait and make sure it's the correct wheel and tyre first before I add his details as I don't think I'd be the flavour of the month if others bought a wheel that doesn't fit lol ill post as soon as I know tho :smiley:
Got my wheel and tyre today, correct fitment too, from dotcomparts on eBay or just email tony at null_zps3d7a56f1.jpg yeah a bit scruffy I agree so iv taken the tyre off (7mm continental) and started removing the rust and paint no way is it going in my car like that lol
Looks good.How you do the white on tyres I tried n it was I bought one to keep in the boot but forgot my wheelchair won't fit with it in :worried:
Ahh cheers, no link because I used eBay app, I got an oil based tyre pen to do the white on the tyres and did a couple of coats and used a silicone tyre dressing to bring back the black, after stripping the wheel to bare metal I did 2 coats of primer and 3 coats of bright white hycoat, result :smile:
Looks good in white, my spare is about as rusty as yours was, I'll have to get some paint on it now :smile:

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