New Member - Ultra Red 197

Hi Folks

Just thought I would say hi. This is my first delve into RS ownership, I bought my Ultra Red July 2006 197 last year and set about a process of a mini restoration. At 130,000 miles it is very much a rolling project. Previous owners had modified it slightly but I am a real stickler for a factory fresh look so I have essentially de-modified it. This is how it looked in May 2023.


The car is always at shows around NI so feel free to come and say hi if you see her out and about!

This is how it currently stands as of May 2024. So far:-

- F1 style decals have been removed
- Wing Mirrors have been colour coded as per original spec.
- Badging De-Blacked
- Lacquer Peel has been remedied (still some paint blemishes to be resolved.
- Alloys changed from Bronze to original silver.
- 20mm spacers added

The car is originally from Edinburgh / Dundee so if anyone knows anything about it please feel free to let me know. I understand it has been in NI since around 2021/2.


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