To the member who lives in QLD, Australia **REPLY RECEIEVED**


Platinum Member
Are you ok? Are you affected by the flooding????

Can't remember your name, will try to find it now :smile:
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Dropped him an e-mail saying I hope him and his family & friends are ok.

Some of the pics on tv tonight are just unreal!

He lives in Brisbane too this member.
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I used to live in Brisbane, apparently my old house is under water!

Hope your ok Limmy, and the car?
Our thoughts are with you.
I've had a reply to the e-mail I sent him!!

Thanks mike! I'm touched that you remembered me.

I am fine... Although my wife and my 7 day old daughter were trapped at home. House was fine as were up on a little hill. Supermarket under water, no electricity. Living on rice and eggs! Better than nothing!

There were 4 ways for me to get home... All roads under water!

I managed to get back today although all roads are blocked.

Got a mountain bike and went through some valleys and peoples property! Took 2 hrs, and with a bit of luck some streets subsided so I got through.

My Clio is fine! I came very close and got stuck on a street where flood waters were rising, had to force my way through in first gear full throttle cause water at exhaust level. Water probably up 3/4 on tyre. Got across the other side then thrashed it to my brothers house. Driving fine!

Now the clean up begins.

Good to hear he's ok!!!

Looks pretty nasty from what's been shown on the news.
Thanks god the Clio is alright!

In all seriousness though, glad he is ok.
Yeah that's good news. Just shows this sort of thing doesn't just happen in third world countries. If it can happen in OZ and new orleans etc it can happen anywhere. Shows how lucky we are here
I have referred him to this thread, so I hope he can tell us all about it.

Really glad he's ok. And there's us worrying about 6 inches of snow lol!
I've been getting daily updates as my cousins emigrated to Brisbane a few years ago. Some pretty horrific stuff going on. One of them was evacuated from work as people expected.

But, my other cousin is a landscape gardener. He's not been able to get any work done as it's rained pretty much everyday since the middle of November. A guy has kicked off that he's not doing the job pencilled in for him THIS WEEK:whatever: Just can't believe these people exist tbh. 'Hmmm, it's a bit chaotic out there with this extra water, but I need my garden doing now' what a penis

Glad you're ok though, as are all my family out there, thank god:jase:
Good to hear that he, and is family, are safe and well. Pretty desperate state the place is in at the mo.

Also good to hear that the house and Clio are ok to.
Its good to hear him and his family is ok. I hope the water subsides soon. It must be horrendous! :worried:
very glad he's OK, and nice to know you thought of him too..Living in Cambridgeshire it barely ever rains here, so I cant imagine how devastating it must be to have flooding of such magnitude..
Glad to hear that he and his family have managed to get through it all relatively well, must have been hard been separated from his other half and little one through it all though.

I hope the clear up goes well and that everyone over there can get back to some sort of normality soon.

hi all. thanks for you kind words! the damage is unbelievable. i helped a mate's grandad clean up his house...the water was up to my shoulders and i'm 6'2.

managed to take a couple of photos out near where i live.

feel really sorry for my brother-in-law who travelled all the way from the UK to visit us. his three week holiday started with the snow storms trying to get out of london, followed by a smouldering volcano in indonesia, and then trapped in flood waters in brisbane. mother nature must hate him.

that said, he did me a massive favour bringing over an ITG panel filter for me (did my research on hear and turned out to be the pick), along with some R27 decals to put on my RS200 20th ann.

i know it's not a R27...but the decals on side extractors are mad!

going to put them on as soon as it's dry - raining AGAIN right now but only for the night...and not 14 days.

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